Thursday, May 31, 2018

I'm inspired to let the fire burn first within me so I can let the light shine among God's children

Three of our progressing investigators consistently keep their commitments and will be baptized this month of June. They are Joshua Galo(9), Jessa Cairlang(20) and Sheny Subasus(12). As to Joshua's case, since he has dyslexia, we make strategies and ways to help him understand the gospel line upon line with the support of his family since he is a part member. Sister Jessa Cairlang as well is strengthened through reading the Book of Mormon and likening it to her life and present struggles and trials. She felt loved by the members of the Church. Her only struggle is on waking up early so she can attend the Relief Society even Sunday School classes. Sheny Subasus, on the other hand, a part member, loved to read the Book of Mormon even at her age that she even made a study journal in reading it. We witnessed their progress and willingness to someday make covenants with Heavenly Father and even the higher covenants in the temple. 

External challenges came to our companionship last week but these helped us be more strengthened and united with the Holy Ghost. These challenges are: health challenge due to weather on both of us, our recent convert Eric Ben Fajardo experienced persecution at his young age that he was discouraged to come back to church but was immediately raised on our MCM last Sunday, one of the members in Danipas experienced severe stroke that even our Special Sacrament was affected.

Despite of the challenges we faced last week, we're grateful and blessed for the support of the branch council that they make plans with us to minister and strengthen every member and even investigators of the Church. Auxiliary leaders attended the missionary coordination meeting and they are willing to help to make missionary spirit active again in the branch particularly as they focused on ministering. 

I learned a lot from the challenges we faced and have spiritual experiences from them that though we haven't reached our goals, we witnessed the divine help that strengthened us and helped us saw our potential and see the potential of Heavenly Father's children. My companion always reminded me that I will experience more and bigger trials than we are experiencing and have experienced right now as I continue my journey to missionary work yet I need to be ready, prepare myself spiritually, emotionally and physically and recognize more the blessings and brighter side from those experiences. I love missionary work and gained another testimony of Christ's tender mercies among His brethren.

 I'm inspired to let the fire burn first within me so I can let the light shine among God's children by being a proactive missionary and be committed everyday.

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