Tuesday, December 18, 2018

This has been a successful week for exchanges among Surigao Sisters and an opportunity as well for me and Sister Macaorog to see the weak points we have in our work in the past few weeks because of unexpected happenings so we could be able to rise from it. Last Tuesday, I and Sister Otadoy conducted surprise apartment and 72-hr kit check on Surigao Zone missionaries. Just a few had not completed their 72 hr kit usually those who are already longer on missions, but to the new ones, theirs are completely replenished. We witnessed that some have more supplies that they can share to others who lacked some in their apartments. Overall, the leaders are under control whenever there are problems in their zone. 

Last Wednesday, I and Sister Daen were companions and I've noticed that truly the members are now coordinating with the missionaries even the branch president in Taft Branch in hastening the work as we visited some areas not known before by the previous missionaries. I evaluated her to have the courage to talk with everyone and to open her mouth to anyone she met. This, too, has been her goal for last week as she shared to me that she wanted to have courage in speaking since she's not that challenged because most of the time Sister Dingcong do the talking in OYMs yet she's very good already in her teaching skills that their companionship as I've observed somewhat had been balanced. So, I challenged Sister Daen to have practice teaching as well always with Sister Dingcong in their companionship study not only to help her companion but also to help her in overcoming her weakness.

Last Thursday was the exchanges in Washington. I and Sister Ybiernas were companions and I've observed that she's still in the process of adjustment after her training. She's already good in starting to lead their area as well as in teaching and I also witnessed her progress in opening her mouth and considering people not just stats in OYM but souls who are opportunities to be taught after conversing with them by writing down their names and knowing their address. I witnessed her great example in it that others should also look at it as well in doing OYMs. I just evaluated her in using more their area book and weekly plan as an important tool in their daily proselyting. They should update it as a reminder again to show that they love the people they're teaching. She needs to improve more her teaching skills and we informed Sister Manquiquis to have practice teaching in their studies.

The last companions we conducted exchanges were the Surigao 2nd with me and Sister Padillo as companions. We had a wonderful work as we witnessed that even if their areas are so far yet it is so productive that we found potential souls even families to receive the gospel. Their transfer on their new apartment now is much better since their areas are nearer than the previous apartment they've stayed with other sisters. This can maximize more their time and even budget their money wisely. As we talked about the wonderful work we had in both companionship through splits, we observed President that there is a need to add more sister missionaries in their area to take care of the families we found and we know there are more potential souls who are longing to receive the gospel but due to lesser workforce some might be left behind and worst, could be forgotten if not taken care of. We asked them regarding the fellow shipping and leadership matters of their Branch and they told us that they don't have that strong fellow shipping and they have somewhat not that active leaders in magnifying their callings but as we met their branch president and his family, they're so kind and showed great examples among their neighbors as we met their neighbors as well that their family could be the start of making the missionary work active through fellow shipping and in leadership as well and in consistent basis this could lead to a stronger influence to other members.

On the next day after our exchanges, we had a successful Half-Day Mission as well in Bad as and Placer areas together with Bacuag District missionaries and branch missionaries in Placer District with us, STLs and ZLs. As we have our evaluation afterwards, the branch missionaries are motivated to exert more effort in doing missionary work and coordinating with their full-time missionaries in their areas. Most of those that shared wonderful experiences were the Relief Societies that they become more eager in ministering and strengthening their branches. We left the responsibility now to the full-time missionaries in Bad as and Placer to take care of those that had been found and we will follow up on their return appointments for this week. The branch missionaries now in Bad as are very excited to do missionary work in their areas since they have the most number of branch missionaries who attended from the activity.

Alyssa Gallentes as well, 9 year-old, part member had a successful baptism last Saturday with the support of her families and the members in Alegria Branch. She's now happy that she's a member of the Church, an official one, as she attended the Primary class with her cousins. 

With less than 2 days we worked as companions with me and Sister Macaorog because of the busy schedule we had as their STLs, we focused on the potential people we had in the previous weeks and find more potential souls even family who are neighbors of members in the Church. We found the Pano family and we will work out their progress by having return appointment to them. We continuously strengthen our companionship by setting productive goals and having more persistence in finding the scattered Israel whom the Lord has prepared in this season since we are back again to planting stage as those that had been nourished are already harvested. We'll strive to not only plant but gather more of the scattered Israel so that harvesting will be continuous someday for future missionaries who will be assigned in this area.

Though busy schedules are upcoming due to Christmas season, members never left behind ministering and coordinating with us, missionaries, in strengthening their ministering efforts as well. Though the referrals they gave in the past few weeks are not that progressing, we continuously give them hopes and courage to not give up since Christmas vacation has come and their busy schedules will now be lessened. We continuously support their cause to strengthen the converts, ministering unto the less active not leaving behind finding potentials souls to receive the gospel.

Personal Message:
President, as we experienced the busy schedule we just had. It has been an advantage to us for this cycle that we have separate companionship with me and Sister Otadoy that as we leave our areas, it has not been left behind as Sister Macaorog and Sister Sanoy planned to visit our areas by planning equally for the week. Thank you for the motivation again from the message for this week as I am inspired to be like the missionaries you just shared to us. Truly, there is no bad or lucky areas. There are just disobedient missionaries and I know that right missionaries can truly make a difference to the areas where they've been assigned.

Thank you so much President for your support. We love you and your family!


Sister Cornillez 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

We truly had a very busy week last week. On Tuesday afternoon, Sis. Sanoy experienced pain which was diagnosed as UTI. I'm the one who monitored her that's why Sis. Otadoy and Sis. Macaorog were companions that time and they planned to visit a part of our area and theirs afterward. I am truly inspired of the MLC last Wednesday which motivates me to truly realize what a leader should do and feel. The inspirations I got are those I immediately apply when we follow up the sisters under our scope. I saw each of them having potentials and will-be leaders someday and this helps me ponder how could we as their leaders help them clearly see in themselves their full potentials. Placer Zone is truly changing (from the feedback of the missionaries themselves) and has been improving not only of the output in baptisms but also in missionary obedience and commitment. I'll strive as well to be part of its great progress as the District goal into a Stake. In 2 days, while I am assisting Sister Sanoy in her check up, I witnessed her optimism and willingness to finish her 18 months with no regret since she, herself is trying to overcome her weaknesses. It feels like we've got 2-day exchanges but still focused on doing missionary work as our minds ponder on the inspired revelations from the changes in mission while I motivated her to do her very best being exactly obedient with no reservations for herself and truly miracles will happen. I am motivated as well to do my very best and enjoy while enduring well in this sacred opportunity not counting of the days left.

With the remaining days of the week, we strive to focus first on the potential souls and Sis. Alyssa has been successfully interviewed and her baptismal date will be 15th of December. We'll follow up on the other souls since they haven't come to Church last Sunday by visiting them this week. Our missionary fireside has been successful last Sunday in coordination with all the branch missionaries of Placer District who are truly potential and will be great missionaries and leaders someday. Full time missionaries involved are from Bacuag District and ZLs and STLs of Placer Zone. We're excited for the actual application of what we've learned last Sunday for this coming Saturday of our Half-Day Mission in Placer and Bad-as Branch.

We enjoyed each other's company with Sister Macaorog as we goal to recover this week from last week's low performance due to unexpected situations. She's very supportive of the decisions we planned to do since we will be busy for this week and the upcoming weeks due to the assigned duties we need to do. I trust her in doing missionary work as I've witnessed her diligence and commitment in strengthening God's children in the area we are entrusted. 

Members particularly Sis. Saure, a Relief Society in Alegria Branch, are very willing to coordinate in this wonderful work as she asked us why we've been busy in the past few days since she, herself is the one that visited her referrals to us. We will truly follow up and visit those because as we observed they are truly potentials. It's just that opposition truly comes due to opposition in their works and schools but as we visited them, they are very willing to be part of God's fold in the true Church. Many of them continuously do ministering as part of their 25 days challenge and many shared even the recent converts how they enjoyed doing missionary work in ministering way. 

I love you!!!!


Sister Cornillez

Saturday, December 8, 2018

We just had a wonderful week where we found not only potential souls but potential families that will receive the everlasting gospel to change their lives based on their circumstances. The three souls who came last District Conference were Alyssa Gallentes, who's going to be baptized this coming Saturday as we finish her lessons this week, she's a part member Primary who has a great support in her family who is as well converts of the Church. Sister Abegail, is a bestfriend as well of one of the primaries who witnessed the good example of her friend that's why she wanted to come to Church continuously as well. We'll strive to meet her family as well for her to be strengthened as she grow in the Church. On the other hand, we're so amazed by one of the referrals of an RM YSA who just came home from mission. Sister Lea Caumpay felt the Spirit and enjoyed the Sunday services during the District Conference as she attended even the afternoon session. She's amazed with the good example of her RM friend and desired to know more of the gospel. We already met her siblings who are also potential to make sacred covenants. We'll strive to come back to the new people we've met last week for them to realize how important is the gospel to their lives.

As we have our follow ups last night among the Surigao Sisters, they are truly making a big difference in strengthening their respective branches where they are assigned. Everyone seems so diligent and cooperative with their leaders. No area has been barren and everyone have potential souls to progress.

I witnessed how diligent and obedient Sister Macaorog is. Even she's already 3 cycles in the area, I always feel like we're new in the environment we are proselyting as we find those scattered Israel to be gathered in this season. She shared to me how excited she is in finding new people since she trusted me as her companion. I felt happy how she rely on the Spirit everytime we teach. Her jolliness is contagious as we minister unto God's children and help to build their spirituality even to those who haven't received yet the gospel to feel that what we teach is truly nonthreatening. I'm amazed as well by her courageousness in extending baptismal dates as prompted by the Spirit. 

The branch members truly set good examples to their neighbors as the leaders shared last District Conference that this is one of the most powerful tool in inviting people to accept the gospel into their homes. We are not only relying on referrals given by members. As we find and tract, we witnessed how people respected the members of the Church even us, missionaries, because of the great example shown by every member as well to their community. I'm looking forward in coordinating with the branch leaders and branch missionaries here as they make missionary work a living matter in the Church through activities implemented to elevate as well the desires of every branch missionaries to coordinate in hastening God's work.

Personal Message:
I am again inspired and renewed from the talks of Last District Conference speakers as I am motivated to be part in preparing people for the said revelation by our living prophet in the coming of the Savior. Gihigugma ko kamo....Malapit na ang pasko!!!!

Sister Cornillez